Tales from the Bike Lane 02

We don’t have to be adversarial.

I’ve been commuting regularly in Indy for three years now, and I rode regularly in Rush County for 9 years. Although there are people out there who won’t watch for you, will cut you off in close traffic, and may block you on purpose; I’ve found over and over that there are many more who will be good humans about getting through traffic and interacting with bicycles.

Last spring, there was a bike commute where I needed to ride from my neighborhood to the satellite campus of my school system clear across town. (I usually have 3.5 mile commute, but that morning required a little more than seven miles.) That morning, as soon as I left my house, the Good Lord decided that I needed to get wet and opened the heavens upon me personally. Mile that I progressed to my destination, the rain got harder and the wind got more intense. In downtown indy, the rain overwhelmed the storm sewers and I was pedaling through 6-8 inches of water, as the weather god (gods?) tried to drown me personally. What I noticed was that the car traffic around me slowed down and went out of it’s way to give me room and not splash me as we made our way across the city.

I have seen over and over that there are more people who are civilized and considerate out there than there are mouth-breathing idiots. If you get out there, I’ll bet you’ll see it too..

Eat Better

Move More

Get out and Ride

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